Ielts speaking topics book 9 test 2

Well, i have to do a certain amount of reading as part of my job, but i probably read. Read as many samples as you can to get familiar with the type of speaking questions you are likely to encounter in your original ielts test and get ideas about how to answer them. This book is a very useful guide to achieve a high band score in ielts speaking component. Ielts writing test writing task 1 a letter you have recently employed a plumber to do a job at a place you renovating, however, something went wrong with the work the more you share, the more you get. Make sure that you prepare for the correct version of the test. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. The examiner will ask you further questions connected to the topic in part 2. In this part of the test you are given one cue card you cannot choose or change the topic and you have to speak about the topic on the card, using the prompts to guide you, for two minutes.

Here youll find vocabulary you can use to talk bout your favourite books or films in part 1, part 2 and part 3 of the ielts speaking exam. The third section involves a discussion between the examiner and the candidate, generally on questions relating to the theme which they have already spoken about in part 2. Cambridge practice tests for ielts 9 the latest release of the cambridge practice tests for ielts series, provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarize themselves with ielts and to practice examination techniques using authentic test material prepared by cambridge esol. You could even talk about a boring book and still get band 9. In the second section candidates are given a topic card and then have one minute to prepare after which they must speak about the given topic. Free ielts speaking practice tests ielts essentials from idp. Ielts speaking test, part 2 speak about a topic for 12. You mustve heard ielts experts saying, a good ielts speaking score can make a lot of difference in overall band score. Real exam ielts speaking questions with answers may 2018 august 2018. When do people give gifts or presents in your country. Describe a present you received which was made by hand. Its guaranteed that anybody can achieve a good result like band 8. As long as you stick to the main topic books and explain. You will be given one minute to prepare to talk about the topic.

Build up topic specific language to boost your score for vocabulary get your tasks assessed by a tutor who has trained as an examiner to find. Heres a keyword table for test 2 in cambridge ielts book 9. In the speaking test, you have a discussion with a certified examiner. Remember to keep your part 1 answers short and simple. Download cambridge practice tests for ielts 9 with pdf.

The speaking test is the same for both academic and general training tests. Cambridge ielts 9 writing model answer test 1, task 2. Ielts speaking practice tests ielts essentials from idp. The remainder of this guide will focus on learning the most frequently used ielts speaking topics for speaking part 1 3, listening to band 9 speaking sample answers, and learning important ielts speaking tips and resources for your success. Ielts are always coming up with new topics or changing current ones, so the ielts speaking questions you get in the test are likely to vary. This is a summary of the new reported topics and questions by candidates taking the test. For pleasure, i prefer to read either a good novel or maybe some of the. Sample questions and answers for ielts speaking exam. Describe a person someone you admire, a family member etc. Learn how to analyse tasks to get the right task response learn how to plan your essays learn how to write the three types of essays that get asked read model answers to learn how to write your essays better. Real exam ielts speaking questions with answers may 2018. Cambridge ielts 9 speaking test 3 part 2 questions and answers cambridge ielts 9. These are some other ielts speaking questions and topics that you may see in the test that will follow your questions about home, work or study. The card will contain a single topic and you will give a longer solo speech about the topic before you move on to part 3.

This book shows you our proven strategies for each part of the speaking test, plus transcripts of candidates giving spoken answers at a band 9 standard, so you can see what is possible. Preparing for and practicing common questions that are asked 3. Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about html5. Get ielts band 9 speaking by cambridge ielts consultants. It is interactive and as close to a reallife situation as a test can get. Learning ways of structuring your answers to extend your answers and to improve your coherence 4.

Then you must speak for one to two minutes on that topic. In this part you have to speak for 1 2 minutes about a topic. New questions with sample answers part 2 ielts speaking. Ielts speaking actual tests jan may 2020 with suggested answers ebook. Ielts speaking samples and answers ielts online exam. Heres a link with the 33% discount to my ielts stepbystep mastering vocabulary c. Online english school 7 mango prepares students for ielts exam. The book contains four complete tests for academic module candidates, plus extra reading and writing. Youll see each section of the ielts speaking test, and after each section well highlight the features that could help. The key to getting a good mark in the ielts is improving your vocabulary. Learn the key words and expressions to describe personality and character in the context of the ielts speaking exam. Many of the features of her speech are explained in my tips and ielts speaking test preparation materials. Part 2 tests your ability to talk about a topic, develop your ideas about a topic, and relevant vocabulary and grammar.

The vocabulary is presented in ielts style questions and answers for part 1, part 2 and part 3 of the speaking paper. Ielts speaking part 2 tips by simon before the exam, prepare ideas for the six main topics. Cue card part 2 describe your grand parents job you should say. Ielts speaking part 1 new questions jan april 2020.

Then, you must go through these incredible ielts speaking tips for band 9. Incredible ielts speaking tips for band 9 thescorebooster. Ielts speaking band 9 sample test video oxford online. Home ielts writing model answers cambridge ielts 9 writing model answer test 1, task 2 posted on march 2, 2014 september 24, 2017 by simonrichardson1984 2 comments cambridge ielts 9 writing model answer test 1, task 2. This video contains part 2 and 3 of ielts speaking test. This section of the speaking test gives you the opportunity to speak for longer on a topic. There are two types of ielts test to choose from, ielts academic or ielts general training. On test day, an ielts speaking topic card will be given to you in part 2 of the speaking interview. The speaking test is designed to assess your use of spoken english. Speaking part 3 in part 3 of the speaking test the examiner will ask further questions which are connected to the topics discussed in part 2. A list of common topics and questions for ielts speaking part 2.

Band 9 answer for describe a journey topic in this ielts speaking lesson from ielts master, i give a band 9 sample answer including the script below for an ielts speaking part 2 topic on a journey that you remember well. Do you usually read for leisure or for work purposes. Doc test 1ielts 9 ielts speaking test part 1 questions about. Cambridge ielts 9 test 2 passage 2 keywords table cambridge ielts 9 test 2 passage 3 a neuroscientist reveals how to think differently questions 2731. Ielts speaking tips, information, advice, model answers and topics to help you prepare. Describe a comic actor who is popular in your country ielts. There are also faqs on the speaking test, and 2 complete practice speaking tests for you to use to prepare for the exam. Ielts speaking part 2 topics jan to apr 2019 ielts liz. The examiner will ask you to talk about the topics and include the points that you can cover in. Cue card how to speak on a given topic speech delivery duration.

You will be given a task card which asks you to speak about a particular topic and includes points that you can cover. In the ielts speaking part 2 test you will be given a task card on a particular topic, and this will include key points that you should talk about. Sometimes the author has given two or three model answers in one topic. I am not book worm and i am not fond of reading books, though i cannot say the same for 7 rejections. Ielts listening full test with answers cambridge 9, test 2. The talk a face to face to talk to the examiner 34 minutes you will be given a topic card. Below are ielts speaking topics taken from part 2 of the test. The examiner will give you a task card with written prompts. Speaking skills test will take 11 to 14 minutes the speaking test is the same for both ielts academic and ielts general training. Recent speaking topics for ielts speaking exam ielts podcast.

Some of the questions may not be exactly the same as the original ielts questions. Sample questions and answers from speaking part 1, 2 and 3. Ielts speaking sample section has more than 110 complete ielts speaking questions and their band 8 9 answers. How i got band score 9 in ielts speaking linking words for ielts speaking. With your download, get the 14 best papers relevant to this one, including top related papers.

In this lesson, you can see a model ielts speaking exam with band 9 language. Start preparing as soon as you are given the card, paper and pen. Key phrases are highlighted, and remember to speak along with the audio for pronunciation practice. These are the actual topics and questions that have already appeared in january 2020. Prepare for your ielts test by practising with free sample questions. All test takers take the same listening and speaking tests but different reading and writing tests. What are the disadvantages of not having a healthy lifestyle. With this audio blog, you can practise for your ielts speaking exam part 2 on the topic describe a book you have recently read. Of course, the candidate is a native speaker and you are not expected to speak with the same accent as hers, but the video will give you an idea of the fluency you need to get a very high score in the ielts speaking test. Cambridge ielts 9 sample answers speaking test 2 part 3. I read all sorts of things, including novels, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak for 12 minutes. Here is the list of topics you should prepare to feel confident during your ielts speaking test. Ielts speaking test is a real life face to face test, with the candidate answering questions, giving opinions and ideas to the examiner.

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